How Custom Fields Work?
Custom fields work just like the Add-on fields that come out of the box on task. The one difference is that you have to create a custom field first, after that it will show up on a Task. Fortunately, that’s really easy to do by clicking the “Custom Fields”. That new “Custom Fields” will take you to a Popup page where you can view all of your custom fields and create new ones.
There are several types of custom fields. Here's how they work:
Text: Can contain any characters.
Text Area: Can contain Description of Label
Number: Can only contain numbers, and can be simply numbers. When you create the number field, you can choose your Different types like Decimal, Percentage, and Auto number in Tasks.
Currency: Can contain different Currency with their symbols. Date: Can only contain a date. Type it in yourself or choose from a calendar.
Email: Can contain email IDs. Phone: Can contain multiple phone numbers with different country codes.
URL: Can contain different URLs.
Checklist: a drop-down list of multiple or single options that can include any Data. You can drag and drop options to change their order.
Radio: You can create two options and one can be selected like Yes or No as an option.
Add Custom Field from the drop-down menu:
Field Type: Name the field Select a field type.
Mandatory: Then decide whether or not this field is required.
Filter & Custom Filed: Then decide whether or not you want this field to be filtered or if you want to include a custom field.
All in Task: We provide you the option of selecting the date from which you want this custom field to appear on the task page.
So, let's look at an example:
I want to know whether a task is billable or not on the Task Page, thus I named the label Billable and chose Radio as the field type. Under the Radio choices, I've picked Yes or No, and this field will be available on the task page from November 1st.
So, this is how the task page will fall under the Task Page under the Add on fields Tab, and also as we have kept it mandatory while creating the task this field will be mandatory and it will be applicable only from the date of 1st November.
You may also use the filter tab to find out if a task is Billable or not.
So, that's how you can add 20 Custom Fields to your task page to maintain extra information on each Task based on your company's needs.
Last updated
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